Lucy Turner is an international civil servant who has lived and worked on 5 continents over 14 years with the United Nations.

Lucy is passionate about the role of voice in changing lives and nations. She observed that when people can speak and be heard in their own voices and languages, they tend to get the resources and respect they need to thrive.
After discovering a scientific basis for this power of words, Lucy committed to helping the UN to listen to people often known as ‘poor’ and ‘lacking capacity’. Lucy envisages an international system that asks, listens, and responds to the needs, desires and ideas of people who are often left behind, through policies and projects based on their knowledge and experience.
Through this work, Lucy discovered the power of words to change lives and nations. An award-winning writer and sell-out speaker, Lucy shares life-improving ideas from around the world, through fun stories and fascinating ‘untranslatable’ words from ancient and modern languages.