United Nations
Words for the world we want.
In Liberia, Sierra Leone, Timor Leste, Nepal, Palestine, and San Quentin Prison, Lucy Turner observed how people’s words and stories reveal simple solutions that change lives and nations. Listening, as people speak in their own voices and languages, also empowers and builds bridges among communities devastated by conflict and poverty.
Convinced that peace and progress require these factors – proven effective solutions, empathy, and empowerment – Lucy committed to help ensure that the voices of the people that the UN serves inform what the Organisation does for them. She dedicates herself to a paradigm shift whereby ‘beneficiaries’ of international assistance are identified as sources of the expertise we need for the world we want.
Through advice, training, research, and advocacy, Lucy helps UN Member States to develop initiatives that create meaningful, measurable change in lives and societies. Her work has led to changes in international law (on access to justice), policy and practice on peacebuilding. Projects she has designed and run have been highlighted at the UN Security Council, UNDP Executive Board, Commission on the Status of Women, World Data Forum, and World Economic Forum, among others.